Non-Welded Hydraulic Piping Systems

  • img 2022-09-19
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Non-welded solutions for hydraulic piping are popular in the oil and gas industry.

This type of solution is frequently chosen because it has lower installation costs than a welded system.

Non-welded Hydraulic Piping Systems consist of field-assembled components that are held together with clamping or fastening elements. They require the use of specialized fittings, couplings, yokes, and flanges that must meet specific standards. We usually divide these solutions into three main categories:

non-welded hydraulic piping systems

Non-Welded Steel Piping Systems:

A common non-welded solution for hydraulic piping is the use of steel pipes. Steel pipes are available in a wide variety of materials and dimensions.

We can weld or join it with special couplings, flanges, and yokes. There are several types of steel for hydraulic piping systems, including carbon steel, low-alloy (SAE 10xx), stainless steel, and hydraulics.

Carbon steel is the most common material in the oil and gas industry. It has good corrosion resistance, but it is not suitable for use with aggressive chemicals or temperatures above approximately 100°C.

Stainless steel is often used in demanding applications. Hydralloys are special alloys that can be used in more extreme and challenging environments.

Non-Welded Copper Piping Systems:

A non-welded solution for hydraulic piping can be the use of copper pipes, which are typically joined with special couplings and flanges.

Copper pipes are available in a wide variety of dimensions and wall thicknesses. Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, which makes it perfect for use in the oil and gas industry.

It is corrosion-resistant and can withstand high temperatures. The main disadvantages of using copper pipes are that it is heavier than steel and more expensive.

Copper pipes are also more difficult to weld, require a higher skill level from the welder, and cannot be made in the field. A corrosion-resistant coating can be applied to copper pipes, but this will decrease the heat and electricity conductivity.

Non-Welded Stainless Steel Piping Systems:

A non-welded solution for hydraulic piping can also use stainless steel pipes. Stainless steel is an ideal material for hydraulic systems, as it is resistant to corrosion and can withstand high temperatures.

It is also lightweight and easy to work with, which is an advantage over copper pipes. The main disadvantage of using stainless steel is that it is more expensive than copper.

Stainless steel is not as easy to weld as copper and requires a higher skill level from the welder. Stainless steel can also be harder to find and may take longer to ship.

We can apply a corrosion-resistant coating to stainless steel pipes, but this will decrease the heat and electricity conductivity.

Reasons For Non-welded Solutions In The Oil & Gas Industry:

The oil and gas industry uses non-welded solutions for hydraulic piping on a daily basis. Welded systems are not considered ideal for these types of applications, and non-welded solutions are more cost-effective and easier to install.

Welding and welding equipment is more expensive than non-welded alternatives, which is one of the main reasons why it is not used as often. It can also be difficult to find welders with the right skill level for the job, and the work may be completed at a slower pace.

Besides cost, welding requirements also include more maintenance, space, and safety measures. We must maintain properly the welding equipment and welding conditions, and control the conditions to ensure safety and quality.

Welding requires a large amount of space to operate and special equipment such as ventilation systems. We can install the system in most places and do not require additional maintenance or special equipment.

Advantages Of Non-Welded Systems In The Oil & Gas Industry:

There are many advantages that come with using non-welded systems for hydraulic piping. Some of these advantages include lower installation costs, a wide range of pipe materials, and faster installation.

In terms of cost, non-welded systems are often significantly cheaper than welded systems. This is mainly due to the fact that the welding process is more complicated and requires more time and equipment.

In terms of pipe materials, the choice is wider with non-welded systems. A wide range of materials such as carbon steel, copper, and stainless steel are available. Installation time is also significantly shorter with non-welded systems.

In addition, the system is easier to maintain and repair once installed. Finally, there is less risk of defects and leaks with a non-welded solution. Welding is a complex process that requires skill and experience, which means there is a chance for errors. With non-welded systems, there is less room for error.

Disadvantages Of Non-welded Solutions In The Oil & Gas Industry:

A disadvantage of non-welded solutions is that they are more difficult to inspect than welded systems.

With non-welded systems, inspectors only have visual information. Another disadvantage is that we use them less often than welded systems, and not everyone is familiar with them.

This means that the installation time is longer and requires more skilled workers. The main disadvantage is that non-welded systems are less reliable than welded systems. There is a risk of leaks and defects, which can cause corrosion and other problems. Another disadvantage is that non-welded systems require more maintenance than welded systems.


Hydraulic piping systems are an integral part of the oil and gas industry. We can not only use them to transport oil, water, air, and other fluids throughout the plant, but also for these applications due to their reduced costs and shorter installation time. They are also easier to maintain and inspect.

There are many types of non-welded piping systems, such as steel, copper, and stainless steel. Each system has its own unique properties, and each offers advantages and disadvantages. Steel is the most common material while using copper and stainless steel in more demanding applications. Besides cost, welding requirements also include more maintenance, space, and safety measures.

And we must properly maintain welding equipment and welding condition, and control conditions to ensure safety and quality. Welding requires a large amount of space to operate and special equipment such as ventilation systems. It’s ok to install non-welded systems in most places and do not require additional maintenance or special equipment.